Typically adult vaccine mandates have been limited even the seminal U.S. A majority of Americans are now mandated to receive a Covid-19 vaccine under penalty of losing a job, or worse. When it comes to the Pfizer vaccine, the need for transparency is unprecedented. The purpose of FOIA is government transparency.

The FDA’s production schedule clashed with its promise of transparency. Yet, when asked to share those documents with the public, the FDA claimed it needed over 20,000 days. During that period, the FDA asserts it conducted an intense, robust, and thorough analysis of those documents to assure the public that the Pfizer vaccine was safe and effective. 23, 2021, just 108 days after Pfizer started producing the records to the agency. The FDA licensed the Pfizer vaccine on Aug. Scientists Requested Data After FDA Licensing 12, the FDA hasn’t indicated it intends to appeal. 6, a federal court in the Northern District of Texas ordered the expedited release. Meaning that it could have taken 75 years, when most Americans alive today would be dead, to fully publicly disclose this information. In its final brief to the Court, the FDA admitted that the total page count was at least 451,000, but still sought permission to produce just 500 pages per month. The agency originally estimated it would need to produce 329,000 pages, and asked the court for permission to produce just 500 pages per month, which would have taken 55 years.

Therefore, in September 2021, the scientists, represented by their attorneys at Siri & Glimstad, sued the FDA demanding it produce this data by March 2022. The scientists explained that, until all the data is produced, a proper review cannot be conducted because missing even a single data set could throw off any analysis. With that promise in mind, after the vaccine’s licensure in August 2020, Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, a group of highly credentialed scientists submitted a FOIA request to the FDA for the data submitted by Pfizer.
In its attempts to build public support for Covid-19 vaccinations, the FDA repeatedly promised “ full transparency,” and reaffirmed its “ commitment to transparency” when licensing Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine. The FDA wanted court approval to have up to 75 years to publicly disclose this information.
In response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the Food and Drug Administration asked a federal judge for permission to make the public wait until the year 2096 to disclose all of the data it relied upon to license Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine.